Diamond Package Extended Offer Madison WI Wedding Photography

The traditional gift for a 10th anniversary is tin or aluminum.  Seriously – how lame is that?!  When we give a gift to mark this milestone – we give the gift of DIAMONDS!

The DIAMOND PACKAGE was a limited offer open to just 10 lucky couples and was suppose to disappear on June 2, 2012.  However due to the popularity of this anniversary extravaganza we have decided to extend the offer through July 2012!!!



This precious gem of a package includes:

An outdoor engagement session and one 8×10 print

7 hours of coverage from one professional photographer

Unlimited locations – dependent upon the schedule of your day’s events

500 images proofed in two booklets

500 proofed images on disk (unlimited copy right release)

Retouching package including 50 images of your choice

Package valued at $3000 but for 10 lucky couples


We are so happy to have shared so many wonderful “I Do” moments over the last 10 years.

Here’s to the next 10!!!