I’m kind of tired of trying to market my business.
Okay, five minutes just passed as I stared at that statement. I’m feeling equal measures of panic and peace. As a small business owner, a part of every day for the last 11 years has been spent trying to let the world (meaning Madison WI) know I’m here and to attract new clients. I have the best web site designer who has created this beautiful site and I feel like I’m not using it to it’s full potential. That ends right now.
Today marks the first day of the new blog here at sweeneysphotography.com. I will no longer be trying to sell or market anything on the blog section of the site. There are hundreds of portrait samples in the Galleries. If you want to know services, prices or specials – please click on the tabs above. There is a ton of information throughout the site and if it’s not – then send me an email or give me a call. I would love to talk to you!! Better yet, stop by and we’ll chat over some of my fabulous coffee or tea – I may even have some Chex Mix to share.
So here’s how the blog is going to look from here on out. Each weekday I will be sharing my photographs. Not just wedding or kids pictures, I will be sharing it all – even personal photos. I will share a bit of the story behind the photographs and in the case of my “Art” – I may even be showing you all a bit of the process by way of video (but only if it’s a good hair day).
Wednesday is now: Share Random Photographs From The Past
These were taken backstage while the stylists prepared their models for a fashion/hair show in Milwaukee WI at the Art Museum.